Get rid of rats, mice, squirrels and mice effectively and with the minimum of fuss with our rodent control service covering Nottingham, Derby and the East Midlands.
It can be distressing to learn that you may have an insect infestation but it's very common. From bed bugs to wasps, cockroaches fleas and every beetle imaginable. We deal with them all!
The best thing you can do if you fear your property is infested by insects is to contact Falcon Pest Services on +44 (0)1773 761254. We see a growing number of infestations possibly linked to climate change and / or the proliferation of overseas travel and movement of goods.
It's certainly nothing to be embarrassed about but if your home or business is affected you will want to get it sorted out as quickly and descreetly as possible. We have over 20 years of experience dealing with insect infestations.
The black garden ant is the most common and is found in almost all parts of the country. The Workers are about 5 mm in length and dark brown almost black in colour and the Queen is about 12 mm long and lighter in colour. Ants are not considered to be insects of public health significance, as they do not carry disease they are merely a nuisance.
The Queen makes her nest in soil, lawns, under paving slabs and at the base of walls, as foraging worker ants cause a nuisance as they travel widely in search of food they often enter domestic premises. Once they find food they will soon define a trail to the feeding ground.
In late summer, winged males and females emerge from the nest and mate on the wing. The males die, and the females shed their wings and excavate a nest where they spend the winter. The queen ant lays the first eggs in late spring which hatch after 3-4 weeks, pupate, and emerge as worker ants after a further 3-4 weeks. Worker ants provide food for the colony, until the cycle starts again with winged males and females leaving the nest.
Falcon pest services can provide treatments to help control ants in most circumstances using the most effective method to suit every situation whether it is baits or residual treatments.
This common pest once associated with unhygienic surroundings, is prevalent due to a number of reasons, including increased travel, the use of second hand furniture, and suspected tolerance to some pesticides.
Bed bugs occur with regularity, in multi-occupancy buildings with rapid resident turnover. With guests often taking some of the resident population home with them.
Adults are about 4-7mm in length, oval shaped, chestnut-brown in colour though this changes to deep red after feeding, there body shape is flattened from top to bottom. Adult Bed bugs resemble a small brown disc, measuring up to 6mm in length. It is wingless but the legs are well developed and it can crawl up most vertical surfaces. Their elongated eggs are cemented in cracks or crevices close to the hosts (which for Bed bugs are humans). The early stages of the Bed bug (nymphs) are tiny making them hard to detect with the naked eye. Mainly active at night Bed bugs hide in crevices in the bed, surrounding furniture, and also behind skirting boards, under loose wall-paper, behind pictures and even in plug sockets to name a few. Bed bugs need to feed on the blood of a human host. However in some cases they can survive up to a year without feeding.
The area around any hiding place is often speckled with brown or black marks which are bed bug faeces. Bites can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on arms, face, buttocks and thighs, as these are often exposed when the host is asleep in bed. Bed bug bites cause red, irritating marks/ lumps. Not everyone reacts to the bites, however some people develop a more severe skin reaction and can experience disturbed sleep.
Bed bugs are not known to be frequent carriers of disease, and their importance is related mostly to the discomfort caused by their bites, and the stigma associated with them.
The female lays eggs on surfaces close to the food source, in batches of up to 12, totalling up to 200. Eggs are white in colour and these hatch into nymphs which resemble miniature adults and which moult into adults. The whole process from egg to adult can take from a few weeks to several months, depending on food supply and conditions.
Avoid taking any second-hand bedroom furniture without checking it thoroughly. If you have stayed in an infested room, upon arriving home, immediately check your luggage and clothing for bugs. If you find Bed bugs, to remove the bugs and eggs from your luggage, clothing and bedding there are a few things you can do. Either; wash everything at a ‘hot' (60°C) temperature setting; tumbled dry at a ‘hot setting for at least 30 minutes; dry clean everything; or place everything in bag in the deep freezer for at least 3 days.
Red irritating bites, typically in rows on your neck, shoulders, back, legs or arms.
Clusters or dark spots (about 1mm wide) that look like an ink dot, are usually found on the bed frame or on the bottom side of the mattress.
If you have any of these symptoms call Falcon Pest Services on +44 (0)1773 761254 for advice and to arrange a survey of your property.
The most common species of Flea is the Cat Flea, Adult fleas are small (averages 2mm in size) wingless insects. All adult Fleas are parasitic on warm-blooded animals. The females lay their eggs after feeding on the infested animal. Female Fleas can live up to two years, during which time they can lay up to 1000 eggs. The eggs drop onto the floor and the animal's bedding. After several days the eggs will develop into larvae. When fully grown the larvae spin silken cocoons. When fully developed the adult waits within this until it detects the vibrations caused by a potential host. Only then does it emerge. The complete lifecycle takes about a month in the summer, Adult Fleas feed on the blood of humans and animals. The larval stages live in the nest of the host and feed on skin, feathers and, most importantly, the blood-rich faeces of the adult flea.
The most effective control measure is a robust vacuuming programme. This should be carried out in conjunction with a treatment of the affected pets and their bedding. Advice should be sought from the vet. And a residual insecticide treatment of the property.
The time of year when wasps become a nuisance is late summer or early autmn when the nest is fully constructed and large numbers of docile wasps begin to take their chances by flying into homes or factories in search of sweet food. Although docile they are more likely to sting at this time as their proximity to humans increases. A wasps nest should never be approached or disturbed as wasps can swarm and attack viciously and quickly. Always call the experts if you fear you have a wasps nest on your premises: +44 (0)1773 761254.
There are two main species of cockroach in Britain, Oriental and German Cockroaches.
Cockroaches are distinguished by their very long whip-like antennae, flat oval bodies and rapid, jerky walk. The adult German Cockroach is a light yellowy/brown and is 10 to 15mm long. The Oriental Cockroach is dark brown/black and is 20 to 24mm long. Immature stages of Cockroach, look exactly like adults, just on a smaller scale.
The German Cockroach carries its egg case, until the 30 or more nymphs are ready to hatch. The Oriental Cockroach deposits its 13mm long egg capsule on packaging, sacking or in suitable dark crevices, before the 16 to 18 nymphs hatch around 12 weeks later. They grow in stages, from nymphs to maturity in 6 to 12 months for the Oriental Cockroach, and 6 to 12 weeks for the German Cockroach.
Cockroaches are rarely able to survive out of doors in the British climate, but thrive around the heating ducts and boiler rooms of large centrally heated buildings e.g. hospitals, bakeries, hotels and restaurant kitchens, and blocks of flats. They cluster around pipes, stoves, and sinks, especially in humid areas, and will often remain hidden during the day.
Cockroaches will feed on almost anything, including refuse, faecal matter and food for consumption. They also require access to water, and will be generally found in inaccessible harbourages, close to water and food. Cockroaches can survive for several months without food, but will not live for more than a few days without water.
When foraging for food and water, Cockroaches can contaminate food, utensils, and preparation surfaces as they go. They taint food with an obnoxious smell and can be vectors of disease, capable of carrying the organisms which cause food poisoning in humans and many other bacteria.
Adult cockroaches are not active during the day but forage for food and water at night. They scavenge for any form of organic material, including human waste. As they need water, they normally hide during the day in the vicinity of taps, sinks, drains and other water sources.
Cockroaches can and do carry and spread diseases, and when an infestation is found it should be tackled as soon as possible.
Before carrying out any treatment it is necessary for us to establish the extent of the infestation and to actually confirm that there is an infestation.
Eliminating an infestation requires the employment of a specialist pest contractor – contact us on +44 (0)1773 761254 for advice on treatments.
Treatments include dusts, baits and sprays. Any of these, if used, should be in conjunction with improved hygiene, especially removal of food wastes and general cleaning
If you suspect your business or home has a problem with cockroaches please get in touch... We treat all communications professionally and in confidence.
Can become a real problem if you have open spaces nearby. Cluster flies 'invade' in large numbers when the wake from hibernation. it should be emphasised the cluster flies are not present because of poor hygiene, they occur naturally in open spaces and hibernate in gaps in brickwork, window frames and lofts. Specialist equpipment is used to clear properties of cluster flies, after this, preventative measures should be used to halt further infestations. We supply and fit fly screens and electronic fly killers.
Typically distinguished by having hard shells or wing cases, beetles can be persistent and destructive. Here are a few common types we deal with...
For all aspects of insect or beetle infestation where a quick and discreet service is required call us on: +44 (0)1773 761254
Get rid of rats, mice, squirrels and mice effectively and with the minimum of fuss with our rodent control service covering Nottingham, Derby and the East Midlands.
Apart from the being a hazard to health, pigeons can make a real mess of building facades, they invade roof spaces and unused buildings.