Insect Infestations
It can be distressing to learn that you may have an insect infestation but it's very common. From bed bugs to wasps, cockroaches fleas and every beetle imaginable. We deal with them all!
Get rid of rats, mice, squirrels and mice effectively and with the minimum of fuss with our rodent control service covering Nottingham, Derby and the East Midlands.
Rodents are one of the largest groups of mammals around the world. The most notorious pest species in the UK is the Common rat or brown rat. Rats carry many nasty diseases which they can spread to humans, normally through their urine, including Leptospirosis or Weil's disease, Salmonella, Listeria, Toxoplasma gondii and Hantavirus.
Rodents in your home can cause sleepless nights, distress and damage to property Some properties have a legal responsibility to control the pest invasions as they are a risk not only the building but also the habitant’s health due to them carrying significant diseases wherever they travel through lack of bladder control and droppings.
With various treatments available we offer all customers a FREE survey at their property to analyse the most suitable option for you before any removal or treatment is carried out.
The Brown Rat or common rat is the most widespread of the rat species, and our most common rodent problem. The Brown Rat is brownish grey on its back and grey underneath. Average weight is around 335gm and they measure between 300-450mm in length. Rats are capable of reproducing at 3-4 months old, and can breed about 5 times a year. Litter sizes average around 6-11 young. With a life-span in the wild of between 12-18 months. They are typically nocturnal, although they are sometimes seen during the day. They are active burrowers, good climbers and reasonably good swimmers. Rats have poor eyesight, and are colour blind, but they have a good sense of smell and taste, and acute hearing.
Rats are happy to live close to man, anywhere there is an easy meal and potential nesting sites. Rats must continually gnaw to wear down their teeth and can cause significant damage. Brown Rats live in any situation that provides food, water and shelter. In homes, they will live in roof spaces, wall cavities or under floorboards, under kitchen units. In gardens, they will burrow into grassy banks or under sheds. Brown Rats are often found living in sewer systems. Rats can enter your property through broken drainage systems, missing air bricks, holes in and around doors or windows even holes in the roof.
Having rats in your home or workplace can represent a serious health risk particularly in kitchens. They must gnaw continually in order to wear down their rapidly-growing incisor teeth and can also do significant damage to your home and furniture by gnawing through wood and plastic. They have even been known to cause house fires by chewing through electrical cables. Damage to wood, plastic, cables and other hard materials may also be apparent.
Rats carry a disease called Leptospirosis, otherwise known as Weils Disease, which can be passed to man and can prove fatal. This disease is passed on via the rat’s urine and it is estimated that one third of the rat population carries this disease but there is no way of knowing which animals are carriers. The Brown Rat can also carry a range of other dangerous diseases including Salmonella, Trichinosis, and Rat Bite Fever.
It's essential that rats are dealt with properly and safely. Many 'off the shelf' products are very dangerous to pets and children and need to be handled very carefully. If you are in any doubt or suspect you have a problem with rats call us on +44 (0)1773 761254
House mice are brown/grey in colour with slightly lighter under-parts. They have comparatively large ears, pointed snouts and long tails. An average adult mouse weighs 12 – 22gm, with an overall length of around 165mm. Mice are sexually mature at 6 weeks old. They can produce up to 8 litters per year, with an average litter size of 4 - 8 young. Mice have a life span of between 9 – 12 months.
Mice have an acute sense of hearing, frequently using ultrasound to communicate, and are particularly sensitive to any sudden noise.
Mice generally prefer to eat cereals, but will sample many different foods. They do not need access to free water, as rats do as they can get any moisture they need from their food.
Their presence is usually detected from their dark-coloured droppings or damage to stored foods in the larder, packaging or woodwork.
Having mice in your home can represent a serious health risk particularly in kitchens or areas where children play. They must gnaw continually in order to wear down their rapidly-growing incisor teeth and can also do significant damage to your home and furniture by gnawing through wood and plastic. They have even been known to cause house fires by chewing through electrical cables.
Mice live in nests that they build out of cloth, wool and paper ,nests are often built inside houses, in places such as roof spaces, under floors or in wall cavities, and wherever there is access to a good source of food, especially during the winter. Mice can squeeze through cracks as small as 5mm but mouse holes are normally 20-30mm in diameter. Mice are mainly active at night and can often be heard running about as they search for food.
Mice are erratic, sporadic feeders, nibbling at many sources of food rather than taking repeated meals from any one item.. Their favourite foods are cereal products, although they will eat almost anything.
Falcon Pest Services can help you resolve any infestations or help prevent infestations.
The Grey Squirrel thrives in Britain’s parks, gardens and woodlands. Indeed, it has become so widespread that many people accept it as a natural part of our wildlife and is perhaps one of the most commonly seen British mammals.
Grey back and tail, white belly, and its summer coat may be brown. The Grey Squirrel weighs approximately 450 – 650gms and its overall length is about 450mm - including tail which is approximately 225mm in length. Grey Squirrels can produce 2 litters per year, averaging 4 young per litter. The first litter is born in January or February, while the second litter arrives in mid – summer. Young squirrels are mature at about 10 – 12 months of age. They are active during the day and do not hibernate in the winter.
Grey squirrels can cause a lot of damage to growing trees by stripping bark during May, June and July, and can sometimes gain access to roof spaces, where they can cause damage to roof timbers, electrical wiring and plumbing.
Squirrels can cause extreme amounts of damage in your home or workplace,t hey frequently enter domestic roof spaces. Once inside they chew woodwork, strip insulation from electrical wiring and water pipes, tear up fibreglass insulation. Squirrel droppings can be a source of Leptospirosis and salmonella. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection which can manifest as a mild flu- like illness characterized by headache, aches and pains along with chills. This mild form of the disease is the most common. However if the condition becomes more serious then life threatening symptoms may develop including organ failure and internal bleeding. Mild doses of leptospiros can be treated with antibiotics but more severe cases my require hospital admission.
If you have a problem with squirrels call us on: +44 (0)1773 761254 or drop us a line...
Moles tunnel using their large two front paws to scrape away the earth and feel along tunnels with their snouts and whiskers. Because of the absence of light within their living conditions, moles have very poor eyesight so very rarely will you see mole’s above ground.
Moles can cause great amount of damage to your garden/land by tunnelling through the soil. With heavy infestations, the ground can become unstable and holes may appear not only damaging the foundations of your land but also creating safety risks.
Using traditional trapping methods we can help you maintain a mole free environment. Call us on +44 (0)1773 761254.
It can be distressing to learn that you may have an insect infestation but it's very common. From bed bugs to wasps, cockroaches fleas and every beetle imaginable. We deal with them all!
Apart from the being a hazard to health, pigeons can make a real mess of building facades, they invade roof spaces and unused buildings.